I think I can officially add the word "No" to Alex's vocabulary. Luckily she hasn't used it directly at me yet! Hopefully, I have a little while before that starts to happen!:):):) At lunch today I walked away from the table to get her some more food and she threw her spoon down on the floor, pointed to it and said "No" three times to it. She proceeded to the same thing at dinner with honeydew when I walked away from the table. (Note that I say no to her when she throws things on the floor when she's eating.) It was very amusing.
On a very different topic for those of you that don't know we are building a house. It should be completed in November or December. I cannot wait for it to be done. Our two bedroom townhome becomes more and more crowded everyday with Alex's things. I drove by it today and the cement block for the first floor is up! I was very excited. I had to drive by it twice to fully believe that was my house being built.
12 years ago