Today I had my 12 week appointment! I was all excited to go because I was going to get to hear the heartbeat. Well, the little stinker just did not want to cooperate. He/she was hiding so much that we could only see it, not hear it. Hopefully, next time they will come out of hiding. We can't wait to find out the sex of the baby. We will find out in mid-September. I kind of feel like we are going to have another girl. Nick thinks that we are going to have a boy because we can't agree on a name. We'll see whose right.............
Alexandra and I are leaving on Friday to go up to Wisconsin to visit Grandma and Grandpa, all the Aunts and Uncles, and Jaelynn for 10 days. I am very excited for the trip. When we get back from Wisconsin about a week and a half later we are going to Greece for 2 weeks to visit Nick's sister. It will be Alexandra's first international travel. We know she will have a blast when we are there; we just hope she adjusts to the time change okay.
12 years ago