i'm filling in for angi since she is incapacitated. i'm sure most readers of this blog already know but i thought i'd put the news out there for the general public that johnny joined the laz this morning at 8:15, weighed 6 lbs 14oz and was 21.25 inches long. he is just as long as alexandra was when she was born but he's a bit thinner. he told me that he does not plan on being the shrimp of the family and will quickly surpass her in height and weight.
angi and johnny are doing well, alexandra is sad that she has to go home without her mamma, and i am still a little shaken up from the whole process but we'll all survive ;-)
that's it for now but i'll leaving you guys a blurry pic of johnny before i go. hopefully we will be posting some better pics soon.
12 years ago