I am sorry I have been so terrible about posting pictures of myself and my belly. Being pregnant with your second child is very different than the first time around. The first time you spend so much time day dreaming about your baby-to-be and are so in love with your belly and being pregnant. With the second you are just as excited to be having another baby but you just have no time to think about it or yourself. In fact most of the time I forget that I am pregnant until I look down and see my growing belly. I am also reminded when Alex wants to sit in my lap or be held but she can't figure out how to get around my belly so she tries to smoosh it so maybe it will go away and she can be cozy in my lap or arms again! I promise to take a picture of myself over the weekend and post it the beginning of next week.
My parents arrive tomorrow for a long weekend. We are very excited to see Grandma and Deetz. The last time we were home Alex named my Dad Deetz. Grandpa is just too hard to say so somehow she came up with Deetz. We have absolutely no idea how but it is cute! Alex is doing great, saying a few more words and babbling a ton. She really wants to talk. Although she probably thinks she is talking when she is babbling in her own language!
12 years ago