I am now 16 weeks pregnant and my belly seems to be getting bigger to me. I bought my first maternity clothes last weekend. I had a doctor's appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat which is just as cool this time around as it was the first time with Alexandra. At my next appointment on September 5 we will find out the sex of the baby! We can't wait to see if Alexandra will be getting a little sister or brother! Right now every time we ask her if she wants a brother she says no. Then we ask her if she wants a sister and she says no to that too! Clearly she'd like things to stay how they are, with her as the only princess!
We are leaving tomorrow for Greece and will be gone for two weeks. We are super excited for the vacation and to see Nick's sister Chris and her family. We know Alexandra is going to have so much fun with her cousins Ioanna and George.