Hello! Johnny is now 1 week old and he has been a really good baby so far in the first week of his life. When he decided to make his entrance he made it really fast. I was in labor for only 5 hours. A contraction woke me up at 3:15am and at 8:15am Johnny was born. It was great that it was so short and quick but because it was I was not able to get an epidural. Not something I recommend! By the time I got to the hospital I was fully dilated and there was no time for pain relief. It was basically time to deliver. Any pain I endured was well worth it once I saw him though.
My Mom told my Grandma I had to do it without an epidural and in her polite ways she informed my Mom that I had nothing to complain about. She and every other catholic mother in her day did it 6 or more times without one! Gotta love my Grandma.
Alexandra is adjusting well. It has helped that my Mom is here to play and distract her when I need it. She still can't say my Mom's name. She just points at my Mom and says "play" when she wants her to play. Yesterday she actually went and tapped my Mom on the butt and told her "play". She is going to wonder where her playmate went next week when my Mom goes home.
Alexandra has already tried to breastfeed her baby herself, had me swaddle and rock her and gotten into Johnny's bassinet. There is definitely moments of jealously but everyday it seems to be less and less.
I'll write more next week!
What a sweet boy...and a giant big sister, haha. She looks HUGE!! I think he definitely has your mouth, Angi, I see you when I look at him:) That is hillarious that Alex needed to be swaddled and she looks quite large laying in his bassinet!
Can't wait to meet the little man. Love you all!!
Awww! He's so cute! Alex looks adorable holding him, and hilarious in the bassinet!
Wow, I can't believe how fast everything went, but no epidural...yowzers!
Sounds like you are settling in nicely as a family of 4! Can't wait to see you all this spring. :)
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