Here I am at 5 months pregnant! Pregnancy wise there is nothing new to report. Still feeling great. I think I am starting to feel him move a little but I'm not sure since I am not sitting still very much until it is time for me to go to bed at night and I pass out within 5 minutes. Hopefully soon he'll start kicking hard! I love the feeling, its amazing.
My parents left yesterday after a long weekend visit. It was great to see them and was very sad as usual to see them go. Although Alex was obsessed with where my Dad was at all times and saying his name, Deetz, she loved playing with my Mom. We will miss them both and can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving.
You're freakin' adorable! Glad to hear that you're feeling good. Alex is so cute! She's growing up so fast. Give her a kiss, and your belly a pat from us!
Oh miss Alex!!! We miss her tons! Give her a kiss and a hug from Payton, Uncle Tim and Aunt Gina! See you in a little over a month!!
Love you,
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